Accessible and Affordable Medications for Everyone.

Did You
We source FDA approved medicines
across the world so you can access the
best treatments at the best prices.
We offer savings ranging from 30% to
90% on all medicines regardless if you
are insured or not.


A Message from our CEO

“Staying ahead of the pharmacy curve providing convenient access to cost effective brand, specialty and infusion medications is the unique solution that UBACARE was built on” The rising cost of prescription drugs is a significant issue that affects individuals and employers which can have a detrimental effect on their bottom line. As the cost of prescription drugs increases, individuals and self-funded employers must absorb these costs which can have negative health and economic consequences. As a cost containment solutions provider to employers, stop loss carriers, and pharmacy benefit managers, and third party adjudicators, I have personally seen the impact that rising prescription costs have on the quality of healthcare that members can receive. It is not uncommon for formularies to carve out certain types of medications that the member can access or may require a member to pay out-of-pocket. This leads to a decrease in employee satisfaction and reduced overall productivity. Hence, as the cost of prescription drugs continues to rise, we must find new ways to manage these expenses to ensure that the quality of healthcare and benefits are not sacrificed. As a company, UBACARE has a strong foundation and is positioned to provide the many opportunities to meet your prescription cost needs.

Dr. Lyle McDonough
President and Chief Executive Officer

Utilize alternative disruptive prescription medication sourcing solutions and payment methods. We source the latest medicines from reputable regulatory approved wholesalers, pharmacies and pharma companies on FDA approved legend medicines to help bridge the gap in affordability and accessibility.

Enrolled Programs
Leverage alternative funding solutions that deliver market leading savings that disrupt the traditional rebate models on brand, specialty and infusion-based prescription medications.

Mail Order Pharmacy
Licensed mail order pharmacy networks that dispense and deliver brand, specialty and infusion-based medications.


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